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Make Mondays a breeze with CasinoCruise!

2018-05-13 14:00:00

By virtue of being one of the best online casino sites out there CasinoCruise are able to make every day better, but sometimes they like to make some days just that little bit more special than others. The reason why they do this is not quite one hundred percent clear, it is impossible to be that sure about a company’s decisions but it is likely due to some market research that has shown them that they should attract more players to the site on a certain day.

It is understandable therefore that they would choose a Monday their day of promotion as it is a day that is so widely hated around the world that it has become somewhat of a cliché at this point. Most famously, Garfield hated Mondays, and he was right to as well, even though he was a cat with no job to speak of, he somehow grew the disdain that all we working people have for the day that kills the weekend. All of that hatred just might change for you (probably not for Garfield, cats aren’t allowed to play slots after all) at CasinoCruise because they are looking to turn Monday into the best day of the week with this awesome slots promotion.

That’s right, you can get your hands on a promotion every single Monday all thanks to the fine folks over at CasinoCruise. But what is the promotion? Well, read on and find out how you can get it and what exactly ‘it’ is.

The Promotion

This promotion is pretty much just classic CasinoCruise at work, they really have the knack for delivering the very best possible promotions for their customers and being inordinately generous while doing it.