Check out this Super Summer Selfie Promo at JackpotJoy
2017-08-25 14:44:59Who doesn't love the summertime? Warm weather, holidays, singing birds in the trees, the list goes on. And that's before even mentioning the mountains and mountains of fun you can have in the warmer part of the year. And what better way to document this fun than with some super fun selfies.
Whether it's one of just yourself in front of a stunning site, one with your friends having a laugh or one with your family enjoying the most out of your time together selfies can capture a whole lot more than just what's in the frame. Every picture is a landmark in our lives that we can look back on, and a selfie is one that tells you straight away about your feelings, actions, and location at that moment in time.
So apart from that what can you get from your selfies? Sure you can share them with your friends to show them how fun your life is. Or you could store them away and not look at them until you're scrolling back through one day. Or, you could let them win you an awesome prize at JackpotJoy...
That’s right, JackpotJoy is letting you win a £$€500 Lifestyle shopping voucher when you send them in your most summery selfie. This is yet another great example of JackpotJoy thinking outside of the box a bit with their competitions and promotions instead of just having another free spin completion or bingo tournament (not that those aren't great fun too of course!). This competition is super easy to join in on and will have you crossing your fingers until the winner is announced.