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Casumo research says cereal rules the British breakfast table

2017-08-03 13:42:22

For some reason, probably only known to themselves (maybe they're planning on bringing out a slot themed breakfast cereal), the casino website Casumo has decided to run a poll of the around 2000 people in Britain to find out which is the most common breakfast food in the country.

The results seem to confirm what you'd expect in a way, that the most popular breakfast in Britain is also the one that is the most diverse and perhaps the easiest and fastest to assemble as well as the incredible amount of marketing and advertising that goes into the industry (I bet you can name more than three cereal mascots, even when you count Snap Crackle and Pop as one).

But what is surprising in a way is the sheer quantity of cereal that Brits consume over their lifetime. Thanks to some scaling up and somewhat simple arithmetic from the results Casumo researchers revealed that the average British adult will eat a staggering half a ton of cereal and with it drink 1,267 litres of milk for breakfast over their lifetime. And that's just for breakfast, it's not even counting the amount consumed in the late night forages in the cupboards to satiate that tummy rumbling.

The research also revealed that 6 in 10 people always have breakfast at their dining table, but 11% regularly eat in the workplace and 1 in 20 will visit the canteen in work.